We aim to generate consistent outperformance by systematically applying investment themes across securities. We believe that a multi-factor
investment approach, harnessing underlying drivers of performance, will generate excess returns that are uncorrelated to other asset classes as well as traditional fixed-income managers.
Seeks excess returns through country, maturity, and currency selection across the hard currency and local currency markets. While the strategy includes local currency investments, it takes no beta to local currency debt, engages in no overall duration or spread timing, and targets a beta of one to its hard currency benchmark.
Seeks excess returns through country, maturity, credit, and currency selection. The strategy targets the credit and duration profile of the benchmark and so does not seek to engage in duration timing or sector selection.
This strategy seeks excess returns through country, maturity, and currency selection. It engages in minimal duration timing.
Investment themes in this strategy are primarily expressed by within-industry security selection. It does not seek to engage in duration or credit timing.
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